Photo courtesy of Bing Images
Hyperacusis ...
a health condition where a person is overly sensitive to noise, possibly every day sounds, that may be loud and painful to them, but not necessarily to others.

So that's what I have? 

I've never been diagnosed by a physician with hyperacusis, but it wouldn't take a doctor visit to confirm my hypersensitivity to noises. 

No, my diagnosis comes from years of wincing at various noises, of asking my hubby to turn the tv down or off, of him telling me that I'm speaking so softly that he can't hear me. But when his voice booms, I feel like the whole restaurant can hear him, not just me. 

Can you listen to music in the car if there's a conversation going on around you? Shaking my head here. I can't even follow a GPS instruction if someone's talking in my car.

Here are some noises I find soothing:
Clomp clomp of a horse's hooves

Gurgling creek


Peaceful nature sounds around a lake

Obviously, water sounds soothe a person with this condition, but what about the opposite? What's annoying?
A bus's belch
Lots of people
More annoying noises:
Any siren
A saw blade's whir as it slices through wood
Silverware clinking
An air conditioner that rattles
Any noise my car makes
Garbage truck as it empties cans or dumpsters
And a constant drip or a person chomping gum really sets me on edge. 

It's not from aging because I've lived with it forever. I hope it's not hereditary because just recently my grandson has been asking...

"What's that noise, Meme?"


Can you relate to hyperacusis? What sounds do you find soothing? What about annoying?
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Fiction Faith & Foodies: N for NOISE

Friday, October 25, 2013


Photo courtesy of Bing Images
Hyperacusis ...
a health condition where a person is overly sensitive to noise, possibly every day sounds, that may be loud and painful to them, but not necessarily to others.

So that's what I have? 

I've never been diagnosed by a physician with hyperacusis, but it wouldn't take a doctor visit to confirm my hypersensitivity to noises. 

No, my diagnosis comes from years of wincing at various noises, of asking my hubby to turn the tv down or off, of him telling me that I'm speaking so softly that he can't hear me. But when his voice booms, I feel like the whole restaurant can hear him, not just me. 

Can you listen to music in the car if there's a conversation going on around you? Shaking my head here. I can't even follow a GPS instruction if someone's talking in my car.

Here are some noises I find soothing:
Clomp clomp of a horse's hooves

Gurgling creek


Peaceful nature sounds around a lake

Obviously, water sounds soothe a person with this condition, but what about the opposite? What's annoying?
A bus's belch
Lots of people
More annoying noises:
Any siren
A saw blade's whir as it slices through wood
Silverware clinking
An air conditioner that rattles
Any noise my car makes
Garbage truck as it empties cans or dumpsters
And a constant drip or a person chomping gum really sets me on edge. 

It's not from aging because I've lived with it forever. I hope it's not hereditary because just recently my grandson has been asking...

"What's that noise, Meme?"


Can you relate to hyperacusis? What sounds do you find soothing? What about annoying?
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At October 25, 2013 at 10:54 AM , Blogger Joanne Sher said...

Sometimes noises really bother me - especially when I'm under stress and/or pressure. But, when I'm not, I'm pretty good at tuning out just about anything - which, by the way, is NOT always good LOL.

At October 25, 2013 at 11:05 AM , Blogger Pencildancers said...

Mass noise bothers me--the church fellowship hall for instance, so much echoing I can't understand what people are saying. So I don't fellowship. I go home.

At October 25, 2013 at 11:15 AM , Blogger Barbara Lynn Culler said...

How awful that could be for you! I know that if there is too much noise around me- especially if I'm already being stressed, I can't handle it and have to make it stop!

At October 25, 2013 at 7:28 PM , Blogger Dora Hiers said...

lol, Yeah, I could see how that might create problems. Noise affects me ALL the time.

At October 25, 2013 at 7:30 PM , Blogger Dora Hiers said...

Aww, that's a shame, Diana, but I totally relate. If you can't hear a person talking, there's not much fellowshipping going on, is there? I tend to avoid certain restaurants because the noise is just too bothersome. Enjoy your weekend!

At October 25, 2013 at 7:32 PM , Blogger Dora Hiers said...

It's especially difficult when I'm stressed. Thankfully, I work from home, so I can control (mostly) the noise level while I work. :)

At October 27, 2013 at 12:20 AM , Blogger Karla Akins said...

Oh my, my house is so full of noise I'm afraid it would make you run for the hills! :-) I don't like noise, either, but God has given me grace to deal with it. Fun post!

At October 27, 2013 at 2:04 PM , Blogger Dora Hiers said...

Yes, you're probably right, Karla. He only gives us what we can bear, right? He knew my tolerance level was fairly low. Wishing you a Son-kissed day, and have fun with NaNo! :)


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